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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureAlice's World

Dear B

Thank you 'B' you may just be in my story but you've been my bestie in every story for the last 8 years. In the dream writing world we do lots of fun stuff together. You've painted my nails. Done my hair. Gone clothes shopping with me. Even bra shopping. We gossip and share popcorn during movie nights at your place. I love you. You fill that void that I never will be able to in reality.

'B' we've gone on so many adventures together. Thank you for easing some pressure off of my husband who has tried to fill the role of husband and female friend for the last 8 years. Through our late night talks. The times we partied. Worked together. Gone to bars and clubs together. Danced together. 'B' you allow me to be a woman who doesn't just depend on only her husband for socializing. You've made so many of my wishes come true (in writing).

'B' you do tell me I'm beautiful and if I'm upset... you come over with tea and cookies and we watch a movie. If I feel unpretty you say, 'Makeover time.' and you make me feel like a princess. I've spent the night at your place. You've spent the night at mine. We've had spa nights where we make face masks for each other. You encourage me to live my dreams and be wild and crazy. You're everything that my 36 year old lonely pathetic soul has always dreamed of. Friendship with you all these years in stories have been priceless and I can't wait to start my next story and see what we do next. And above and beyond that... I can kiss you.. I can actually be bi with you. I can actually cuddle with you. And that I know for damn sure will never come true in the real world.

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