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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureAlice's World

How some Facebook and social media friends respond to me

What I post:

My lungs don’t feel well

Peoples responses:

You’re just looking for sympathy. That’s all you talk about. You shouldn’t worry people so much about your health. You do have good days too don’t you? Why don’t you post about that instead? Why do you feel the need to tell people about your lung disease? That’s like the only thing you tell people. You just want people to feel sorry for you. Why is it so important for you to tell people that you have a lung issue? You’re not gonna get pity from me.

What I post:

I worked on writing today

Peoples responses:

Why won’t you share it? You brag about that all the time. How could you write that much and not share it? Why won’t you share it. You need to share it. You’re just posting this so you can get a pat on the back and recognition.

(when I shared it) It’s trash. This is horrible. Who did you pay to do your college papers? Have you even read published work before? You need to fix this and change this. You’ll never grow as a writer if you don’t fix this. You’re so childish you won’t even fix your writing.

What I post:

I worked on diamond painting today

Peoples responses:

Why are you bragging about that so much?

What I post:

I designed this costume

Peoples responses:

Seriously that’s all you post. That’s the only thing on your Facebook wall. You brag about that constantly. It’s so annoying!

What I post:

I saw a new music video from my favorite band today. (The band that helps me cope with ptsd, depression and 24% lung function.)

Peoples responses:

Oh my god. Get a hobby. You’re obsessed and it’s creepy!

What I post:

I had a rough day at work

Peoples responses:

All you do is complain. It’s so annoying. Stop whining. Stop being childish. Seriously why are you so damn negative all the time? I’m getting sick of your complaining. Don’t you ever know how to be happy? Why are you so ungrateful?

What I post:

I worked on photography today

Peoples responses:

*crickets* (literally when I was posting my photography on FB….like 1 or 2 family members cared.)

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