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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureAlice's World

My social history

In my teens my attempts at a social life consisted of me going through my ‘school friends’ names and phone numbers I had in my phone book (not the yellow pages but an actual phone book with phone numbers the friends gave me) and calling up each friend and asking if they’d like to hang out. I’d either get told ‘No I’m busy.’ ‘Maybe some other time.’ (But there was no some other time. They wouldn’t call me back later days later) Or they’d hang up on me. Literally that was all through high school. Unless my best friend wasn’t being a slave to her mother and could escape her house for a short time.

In my twenties well… college years…it consisted of me writing on a dry erase board on my dorm door if anyone would like to hang out since I saw other dorm girls doing that. Which resulted in girls erasing my board or writing ‘HA HA’ on my board. On more than one occasion I would go down the hall and stop by each opened door and ask if any ladies would like to hang out and watch movies. I think one or two occasions people actually came to my dorm room, girls that lived in my dorm building I mean. I did have 2 friends I got to know through being a fan of Good Charlotte that I saw maybe twice a year. (I was in the dorms for 4 years) After college I quickly stopped hearing from anyone I went to college with. People just basically stopped trying to make plans with me. Despite me having Facebook in my twenties and finding people in my own neighborhood to befriend they still didn't want to hang out with me in person.

In my thirties… more of the same. People really didn’t try to make plans with me. In the last 8 years… gee…. I’ve hung out with a woman (not family), maybe 8 times… meaning 8 different days. I’m talking from age 30 to now age 38. Again despite me having Facebook and messaging with people even in my own neighborhood, people still didn't want to hang out with me in person.

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