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  • Writer's pictureAlice's World

‘Trying Not to Laugh while reading Fanfiction’ Youtube videos here's my opinion.

I can see why ‘fanfiction’ reading is an easy target for jokes/laughter from judgement by others. There are definitely a chunk of stories on ‘Wattpad’ that are rough around the edges. ‘Rough’ is putting it lightly. Having communicated with young fanfic writers in the past I know that some are a bit stubborn when it comes to the chance of having their writing fixed. Some are reluctant to fix the ‘text speak’ obviously and clear mis spellings of words. I say this because I reached out to multiple fanfic writers in the past and offered to help them with their writing and I was constantly flat out told no. So I get how others might view it as not only weird (if they’re against fanfiction to begin with) or due to the spelling/grammatical errors find it something to just poke fun at in their free time.

But don’t forget, many choose creativity as a way of escape. People write for a reason. Just like painters, photographers, chefs, gardeners, musicians, actors and actresses . Young teen girls sometimes write because something in their life is bothering them or they are missing something. Maybe they’re being bullied in school. Maybe they don’t have friends. Maybe their parents are getting divorced. Maybe they’re being abused. Maybe they’re stressed from school. Maybe they feel like no one loves them. Writing weither it’s horror, sci fi, romance, western etc regular fiction or fanfiction is a way to forget about ones own struggles in life.

I can pretty much bet you the stories that people are choosing to make a mockery of on Youtube, they were posted by Wattpad writers that were only going to share it with their friends within the ‘fandom’. Yes I know it’s on the ‘internet’ so anyone can read them but instead of making a whole Youtube video laughing your ass off over someones creativity no matter what it’s ‘rated’, stop and think that maybe they wrote it to try to heal from past trauma, to feel loved in some imaginary way, to express feelings that they couldn’t in real life. They aren’t forcing you to read it. They aren’t hurting anyone besides making the reader maybe cringe and laugh. Leave them be.

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